
Culture of Peace Enjoyed at the Peace Festival for the WARP Summit 2016

Culture of Peace Enjoyed at the Peace Festival for the WARP Summit 2016
Culture of Peace Enjoyed at the Peace Festival for the WARP Summit 2016/09/18
The new era of peace resonated when the peace builders walked along the path from the gate of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. Passing over the past of violence that pervaded the globe, the peace walk by world leaders holding hands with children symbolized their covenant for dedication to the future of peace.
 The steps were strong foundation of making everlasting peace in our times for the dreams of children that can be pursued without limit. Followed by them were ceremonies of world culture of peace by members of HWPL.        

Cheongdo Awakens the Spirit of Peace
 Culture of Silla – Dreaming a World of Peace in our World
A parade called “Cheongdo Awakens the Spirit of Peace” was performed by youth members of HWPL Korea at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. Cheongdo is a city located in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province of South Korea, famous for rich culture and history from the ancient period – millennium culture of Silla.

Silla (57 BC – 935 AD) is an ancient kingdom in the Korean Peninsula and one of longest sustained kingdoms in world history. With the legacy of culture for a thousand years, Silla played a significant role in constructing the identity of the Korean people and was registered as a UNESCO Cultural Heritate.

 The most important asset of this world heritage is the culture formulated by the spiritual quality – religion. From the beginning of the kingdom, 700 years of history of Silla had to undergo endless war. The people lost their livelihood, families and community.

This led the ancient Koreans to desire a world where nations can exist peacefully with other nations and people can have lives without harming other people. This spirit of respect on life and harmony was the basic education for youth leaders in Silla called “Hwarang.”

A world which has been desired by the people hoping to live in a place where the prosperity of peace can benefit all the lives of the planet has already approached to us today. At the WARP Summit 2016, the hands held together by people from the global community promised to work for peace, a big step forward to making a legacy of cessation of war and peace for future generations.        
Flower of World

At the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the World National Flower Parade, marching with the variety of 40 national flowers by members of HWPL Korea, showed an important message to the global community – people with different nations, ethnicities, religions and cultures understand each other and live together in the same planet.

As national flowers are appreciated by people in hopes of prosperity of their communities, the WARP Summit in 2014 offered a commitment of people in nations to achieve peace as a common goal of humanity transcending ethnicity, religion and nation.

Water lily of Egypt blooms in every part of the Nile, which provide life and wealth to creatures. The flower used to be set on mummies as a ritual for the revival of spirit. The tenacious vitality of the flower represents the long, rich culture and history of Egypt.

 Sampaguita of the Philippines is widely known as a flower of love in weddings, festivals and religious events. The Philippines twist flowers into garland as a circular decoration to put it on guests in a meaning of welcoming and blessing.

Hibiscus, expressed as rose of Sharon in the Bible, has special meanings to the Koreans. The flower blooms in the dawn and falls in the evening, whose nature appealed to many Koreans who interpret it as a strong will of independence and freedom under the rule of colonial power. Facing the oppression of force threatening the spiritual and physical lives of people, the Koreans see the freedom and vitality of life from the flower.

A Nation of Peace, King’s Parade - Leaders who love their nations listen to the voice of people

In the royal procession from the Joseon Dynasty (1392 – 1897) as a marching parade at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, performers lined up in rows with magnificent view to the participants of the summit. Accompanying guards, court officials and bands, the procession is a ritual when a king leaves from the palace to a destination for an even. The king uses this as communication with people to understand the public sentiment and incorporate it into decision making for public policy.            

“Leaders should be the first to unite by signing an agreement to enact an international law to bring wars to an end and actively create world peace.” – WARP Summit 2014

 At this very moment, the globe is severely suffering from oppression caused by wars. The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) with 10 articles emphasizes the urgency of international cooperation and legal foundation for settlement of peace as a core value of this globe.
It urges global leaders to realize their love for the people through establishment of peace as an everlasting heritage. Leaders who held hands with children and walked together along the path from the peace gate of HWPL took their hearts to listen to the voice of citizens to make this world a better place to live.
Traditional Folk Dance – Welcoming Dance with the Maori Haka

The spirit of harmony and peace in the global community seems to claim peace festival should not end. A group of dark-skinned, bulky figure of men appeared at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit while they widely opened their eyes trying to overwhelm others, stuck out their tongues and shouted like thunder. This unique, vigorous, warrior-like movement is called Haka, a traditional Maori dance from New Zealand.  
The Maori dance today is performed when there are important occasions including great achievements and festivals to welcome neighbors. The dance performed by international youth members of HWPL Korea welcomed the peace-builders from the globe, who are willingly dedicated to making peace for future generations based on international law for peace and religious harmony through developing the DPCW.
The dancing was the prelude for a festival where all the participants of the summit hold their hands, sing songs and dance with the people around them regardless of nation, religion and ethnicity. The powerful energy of peace prevailed with a rousing cry from the Haka performers with the minds urging the globe to take action for peace.

和平文化享受著在和平節的WARP 2016年峰會


清道中喚醒和平的精神,他 新羅文化 - 我們的夢想世界和平的世界   所謂的A遊行“清道中喚醒和平的精神”是通過在和平節HWPL韓國青年團員的WARP首腦會議的第二屆紀念進行。清道是位於韓國,著名的從遠古時期豐富的文化和歷史的慶尚北道省的一個城市 - 新羅千年文化。

新羅(公元前57年 - 公元935年)是朝鮮半島的古老國度,在世界歷史上持續時間最長的王國之一。隨著文化的遺產了千年,新羅在構建韓國人的身份發揮了作用顯著,並註冊為聯合國教科文組織Heritate。

 這個世界遺產中最重要的資產是由精神品質制定了文化 - 宗教。從王國開始,700年新羅歷史,不得不接受無休止的戰爭。人們失去了他們的生活,家庭和社區。

世界花卉在和平節的WARP首腦會議的第二屆紀念,世界全國花卉遊行,由HWPL韓國成員的品種40個國家花遊行,顯示出一個重要信息向國際社會 - 與不同國家​​,種族的人,宗教和文化的相互理解,並在同一個星球上生活在一起。



和平的國家,國王街 - 領導誰愛自己的國家傾聽人民的聲音


“領導者應該是第一個通過簽署協議制定的國際法帶來戰爭結束,並積極創造世界和平團結起來。” -



傳統的民間舞蹈 - 與毛利人哈卡舞歡迎



備註 : 人民文藝家協會台灣會長 、聯合國 UPF 和平大使  蔡豐名  博士 收集報導




   人民文藝家協會台灣分會 暨 台灣禪易齋詩書畫院  蔡豐名  院長 作品 [ 我思故我在 ]  蔡豐名 現任  中國鳳凰花開詩刊  顧問. http://fmtsai.blogspot.tw/2016/07/blog-post.html 台灣各詩刊投稿電郵信箱: 《創世紀》詩雜志(出刊3,6,9,12,截稿1,4,7,10月 ): we88282828@gmail.com 《乾坤》詩刊(季刊:月出刊 ): universe_1997@yahoo.com 《華文現代詩》(季刊:月出刊 ): meihsia@msn.com 《台客詩刊》(季刊 2、5、8、11月底截稿): 歡迎客語、台語、華語與各母語詩與散文詩稿的投稿 hoglohag0610@gmail.com 編輯部 《野姜花》詩刊(季刊:月出刊 ): hedychium.308@gmail.com 《笠》(雙月刊): li.poetry.8@gmail.com 《台灣詩學吹鼓吹詩論壇》月出刊。 taiwanpoetry21@gmail.com 詩論壇編輯收 《秋水》詩刊(季刊:月出刊 ): Wangliti@ms4.hinet.net 《葡萄園》詩刊(季刊:月出刊 ): lay009@gmail.com 《海星》詩刊: starrypoetry@gmail.com 《台灣時報副刊》: tw@twtimes.com.tw 《自由時報副刊》: reading@libertytimes.com.tw 《中華日報副刊》: cdnart@mail.cdns.com.tw 《人間福報副刊》: mtnart7@merit-times.com.tw 《大海洋》詩刊,詩請以紙本郵寄雜志社地址: 高雄市鼓山區鼓山三路85巷5號 《掌門詩刊》: picture0901@gmail.com 聯合報副刊 lianfu@udngroup.com .......................................................... 投稿註意事項: 1、每次投稿,一定要附你的收件郵編與地址。 這樣編輯會輕松些,刊登後你才可收到詩刊。 。 2、切勿一稿兩投。(自己

世界三大智者 國際靈性大師 古儒吉 訪台

詩麗 詩麗 若威香卡(Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,一般稱呼為古儒吉大師) 古儒吉大師,一位聲譽卓著的靈性領袖及人道主義者,以世界團結、遠離暴力的天下一家為使命,鼓舞全世界數以百萬人。在象徵無暴力、人性價值、四海之內皆兄弟的信念下,他藉著服務、培養人性價值尋求世界和平。 西元1956年生於南印度班格羅(Bangalore)的開悟聖者,幼年時期即時常處於深度靜心中,四歲便能背誦薄迦梵歌(Bhagavad Gita)讓父母驚訝異常。十七歲取得現代科學的高等學位,並精通印度傳統的吠陀科學,後又獲頒印度Kuvempu大學榮譽博士學位。2006年,斯裏蘭卡國際公開大學輔助醫學院授與他整體醫學哲學博士學位。 1.詳閱大師其他介紹 2.來自各界的殊榮(摘錄) 3.知識花園:大師於全球各地的重要演講、語錄、知識、著作等摘要與精選  大師簡介 1982年,古儒吉大師自靜心的寧靜中帶出了生活的藝術課程與淨化呼吸法。淨化呼吸法是種獨特、極具威力的呼吸方法,可快速消除人們的緊張、壓力與負面情緒,擺脫各種煩憂、體驗完全活在當下的生命滋味,不僅促進身、心、情緒的整體健康,亦能提升性靈的成長,使人獲得健康、喜悅、圓滿與自在的人生。 大師將許多傳統被獨佔的古老技術及他所獨創的淨化呼吸法,傳授與世界各地,讓人們可以回家練習以安定內心並提高熱忱。此課程及技術已推廣遍及全球140餘國以上,嘉惠全球數以千萬計的人,幫助他們遠離病痛、走出憂鬱、自殺傾向以及侵略行為。不同國籍、種族、文化、宗教、教育、與社會階層的人,生命因而有了全然不同的轉變。 多年來,他致力於提昇大眾的整體健康、生命品質、及對於生命知識的瞭解,在世界各地有許多教育、慈善與研究機構在他的感召下一一成立。數年來在世界各地的推廣工作與成效,屢獲各界肯定與殊榮。 1981年,古儒吉大師創立生活的藝術基金會,為全球志工所組成最大的教育與人道主義組織之一,義工遍佈150餘國。1998年,總部位於瑞士日內瓦的國際人性價值協會成立,古儒吉大師是主要創始會員之一。從此他提昇人性價值的全球活動更加活躍,人性價值與靈性的提升成為他在國際重要會議上一再強調的主題。 大師轉化生命、給予

2017韓中日 文化協力美術祭 展場相片集錦

     二年ㄧ度 韓中日 文化協力美術祭展場相片集錦, 2017年 9月2日至9月5日在首爾舉行, 七個國家地區,韓,中,台,港,澳,日,美 220位參展參賽 http://fmtsai.blogspot.tw/2017/09/2017_18.html 藝術家蔡豐名榮獲2017韓中日文化協力美術祭大獎,韓國國際文化協會姜信雄會長 向蔡豐名頒發韓中日 文化協力美術祭大獎 http://fmtsai.blogspot.tw/2017/09/2017.html 華夏文化傳媒網綜合訊(記者李廣義報道)藝術家蔡豐名 9月1日 日前 率台灣藝術參展團至首爾參加 韓中日 文化協力美術祭 ,蔡豐名 博士藝術家榮獲 2017韓中日 文化協力美術大獎 , 由韓國國際文化協會 主催 、韓國文化藝術研究會主管、 亞細亞文化協會 後援 ,2017年9月2日至5日在韓國首爾 Seoul  Metro Art Center 如期展出及 舉行開幕儀式,來自 韓國、美國 、中國、澳門、香港 、中國台灣 、日本、 七個國家和地區的書畫作品200餘件亮相競技,9月2日並在Seoul Pacific Hotel舉行歡迎晚宴及授獎典禮。  本展覽相應韓中日文化部部2008年12月24日至26日,相聚在韓國濟州島,洽談加強文化交流與協作發表了濟州島宣言,主辦單位要以更深層的文化 (Better Culture,更精美的藝術(Better Art)配合做出貢獻 。 藝術家蔡豐名榮獲2017韓中日文化協力美術祭大獎 部分參會嘉賓合影  9月2日 蔡豐名致詞提到: 借助韓國俗語:“三個銅板買房屋,千兩黃金買鄰居。”我們來自鄰近韓中日地區、不同的文化背景、不同的生活體驗與記憶,把我們連結在一起.參與盛會並邀集多位藝術家參與 ,期盼大家心手相連、共同再創佳績.敬祝大家身體健康 、韓中日文化協力美術祭順利展覽成功! 藝術家蔡豐名榮獲2017韓中日文化協力美術祭大獎,圖為韓國國際文化協會姜信雄會長 向蔡豐名頒獎      主辦單位表示,藝術家蔡豐名博士長年熱愛藝術、推動國際文化藝術交流,績效卓著。經韓國國際文化協會評審委員會評定為 2017韓中日 文化協力美術大獎 ,在此之前 蔡豐名 也是 亞細亞美術賞大獎 國畫