Mr. Man Hee Lee /HWPL Chairman & Peace Advocate

Mr. Man Hee Lee /
HWPL Chairman & Peace Advocate
“Greetings to family of peace from home and abroad, and welcome to the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. Here today at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the spirits of heaven and people of the earth are gathered, as well as the eyes, ears, and hearts of the global community.
Dear family of peace, politicians, people of religion, and global community, let us cease all wars and leave peace as an eternal legacy for our future generations. This is the mission that we must fulfill in this generation and a special command from heaven. And it is the way for humanity to survive.
Messengers of peace around the world, HWPL International Law Peace Committee members, and journalists—both heaven and earth have seen and acknowledged your dedicated efforts. We are one family, messengers of peace. Let us accomplish our purpose: world peace.
Let us urge heads of state and religious leaders around the world to fulfill their promises. Let us urge them to sign their support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, consisting of 10 articles and 38 clauses, and let us sign our support as well. This is the way to love the world and all the people, like the light, rain, and air of the heavens. This is true politics and true religion; this is true love and peace.”
2016.09.19 世界和平聯合總會 名譽會長 、 聯合國UPF 和平大使 蔡豐名 博士 與 天上文化 和平使者 、禪易畫會 首爾交流部 宋瑋玲 主任 共同 推動 世界和平工作.
Mr. Man Hee Lee /
HWPL Chairman & Peace Advocate
“Greetings to family of peace from home and abroad, and welcome to the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. Here today at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the spirits of heaven and people of the earth are gathered, as well as the eyes, ears, and hearts of the global community.
Dear family of peace, politicians, people of religion, and global community, let us cease all wars and leave peace as an eternal legacy for our future generations. This is the mission that we must fulfill in this generation and a special command from heaven. And it is the way for humanity to survive.
Messengers of peace around the world, HWPL International Law Peace Committee members, and journalists—both heaven and earth have seen and acknowledged your dedicated efforts. We are one family, messengers of peace. Let us accomplish our purpose: world peace.
Let us urge heads of state and religious leaders around the world to fulfill their promises. Let us urge them to sign their support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, consisting of 10 articles and 38 clauses, and let us sign our support as well. This is the way to love the world and all the people, like the light, rain, and air of the heavens. This is true politics and true religion; this is true love and peace.”
2016.09.19 世界和平聯合總會 名譽會長 、 聯合國UPF 和平大使 蔡豐名 博士 與 天上文化 和平使者 、禪易畫會 首爾交流部 宋瑋玲 主任 共同 推動 世界和平工作.